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  • Gran Canaria in times of Covid

    Gran Canaria is a safe area again. How is the current situation? What are the regulations, and how were the last months here on the island? You can read it all in this blog. Of course I will update the article regularly as soon as something changes in the rules!


    Halfway through March, we went into lockdown. We panicked! Everyone had to rush back to their own country. After that it was empty here.... No tourists at all, it was quite strange! You can see how quiet it was in this video. Here in Spain we were locked in our houses, we were not allowed to go outside... If you had a dog, you were lucky because you were allowed to walk your dog within a radius of certain meters. And you were allowed to go to the nearest supermarket, pharmacy or doctor and nothing else. There were drones above the village, traps at the entrance and exit of your residence and on the highways. The army and the various police forces stood and watched everywhere... It was so frightening that you didn't even want to leave!

    Post lockdown

    At the end of April the lockdown was finally over, and we were allowed to play sports for 2 hours in the early morning, or play outside with the children in the afternoon. A lot of business opened up again, but in the tourist heart it remained anxiously quiet. The few businesses that dared to do open had some business with the locals. In July and August tourism got a bit going, but not much, and many hotels and accommodations kept their doors closed. And then we were marked as an orange area again. Again no tourists, and again no income. The few hotels that had just reopened closed their doors again. Frustrating!

    At the moment, we are on green zone again! (updated June 2022)

    Although infection rate rising again, as in whole Europe, we can live the normal live. Restaurants, bars, hotels etc are all open and running like before. 

    These are the current local rules:

    • Wearing a mouth mask is only obligatory at the doctors, hospital, pharmasist and public transport
    • Wash your hands at each local/shop on entry
    • Try to maintian the social distance of 1,5 metre

    So yes, we are living again the normal live! I hope to welcome you soon in sunny Gran Canaria!